Penpergwm 2



Quality Support For Individuals By The Day:

We fully understand the commitment of providing care for a loved one and how intense that can be.  We are here to offer some respite to support individuals to have both social and inspirational times at Penpergwm House, as well as a nutritious, home cooked meal.

We are an experienced and flexible service which is tailored to suit the specific needs of each client and we want to offer Day Clients an opportunity to have a meaningful and enjoyable time while they are at Penpergwm House as well.

It is our aim to provide a comforting and reassuring service that is so much MORE than just supporting with personal care; we pride in our bespoke service truly answering all the needs and wishes of every individual client, whatever those needs may be and recognise the importance of social interaction in every day in all different might just mean a chance to get some fresh air!

The Penpergwm Club provides an chance to develop new relationships, build confidence and enjoy meaningful activities for our visiting clients as well as offering respite, if applicable, to those who support them.

For further information or details of how to join our Club please contact the Home

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