The week started with the rather bleak and deeply frustrating news about further restrictions and school closures that we were all having dig pretty deep to keep the mood up as we slowly took down Christmas decorations. We have fought so hard to retain our ‘green’ status (Covid19 free across clients and staff) that finally when the call came that we were being rewarded with the prospect of being one of the first Homes in Monmouthshire to be given the first dose of the Oxford/Astrazeneca vaccine…the whole team was on tenterhooks. Then the waiting game began…the Aneurin Bevan Health Board team have an extraordinary feat ahead of them these next few weeks and months and understandably can’t give much clarity as they start to navigate this momentous journey….but it doesn’t do much for the nerves!
But today at approx 3pm – our prayers were answered and the team arrived at PH all ready to administer! All prepared, Residents ready and waiting in designated areas, the atmosphere couldn’t have been more jolly which was extremely special…in fact the process really couldn’t have gone more smoothly! A historic moment for us all and a day we will never forget….33 Residents successfully vaccinated with 1st dose and no hiccups or unforeseen reactions. ABUHB did us proud and we still remain COVID FREE after nearly a year. “A honour to be present during a day that we will never forget…” …well said Tracey, very well said.
We know the waiting game continues as we get through the next part of the process and we allow the Residents to build their bodies’ defenses; not to mention still keeping the wretched virus out and being transmitted but no one can take way today. #onwardandupward.