Dad, who as you know suffered a stroke many years ago has struggled with his mobility, causing him frustration and placing extra pressures on Mother who is his main carer. He has utilised respite care in other homes over the last couple of years but has always been found the experience an ordeal. The welcome, support from your team, happy atmosphere in Perpergwm and the range of activities that kept him active during his stay meant so much, he’s just asked if he can return for a further stay. Son of PH Resident
Penpergwm House; one word covers it – superb!
We’ve always found all the staff very welcoming and accommodating and can’t recommend them enough, they make the home feel more like a friendly, family run hotel, than a care home.
To the Day Staff
Thank you so much for all you did for my mother during her stay with you. It was a wrench for me to have to send her to a Residential home but the care she had with you, plus all the activities, outings and meeting all the residents was in fact much better for her than sitting in a flat with me, with carers. The comment from my GP as we entered the large seating area was like going into somebody’s home, not a residential home. I think carers are very underrated – “not as good a job as a nurse”I think the carers who have the attitude of the Penpergwm carers do the most valuable and worthwhile job anyone can do. Thank you again for the care you have given me and for making Mum’s last years so very happy.
To the Night Staff,
Thank you all so much for all the love and care you have given my mum. You have excelled well beyond the basic caring. My respect for carers since being at Penpergwm has been heightened by the kind and patient way residents are treated. I would also like to thank you for the understanding and the wonderful amount of tea you gave me last week throughout the night....
Relative of PH Resident
Mother has turned her life around, thanks to all the staff & the caring/stimulating environment at Penpergwm. As a family, we were very lucky to find you guys at a time of our greatest needs - great job. We just cannot stop smiling...........
Hugh and Jeremy Sambrook, sons of Peggy Sambrook, current PH Resident
...I DO thank all the staff at Penpergwm for doing such a stirling job of looking after her. I visited yesterday with my cousin and we both thought she was looking better than we had seen her for some time. Your care really is outstanding and she was looking forward to joining in THREE programme events yesterday afternoon. Well done for all that you organise.
Jill Tovey, daughter of Ann Lees, current PH Resident
The staff are completely amazing and made such a difference to Dad.
Dave Gray, son of Ron Gray - respite client
We are so impressed with Penpergwm House and the professionalism and are keen to continue to use PH when they eventually need more permanent residential care...
Steve Giles, son in law of John Jones - Day Care client